미제사건들 (Cold Cases) (2023)
면지에 연필(일어날 수 있는 일들의 108가지 종류를 연필로 메모), 40cm x 55cm
Pencil on Cotton Paper(Memo in pencil the 108 kinds of things that can happen.), 40cm x 55cm

개인전 <이상한 꿈 / 미제사건> (2023) 전시 때 설치된 모습
Installation as part of the solo exhibition <Strange Dreams / Cold Cases> (2023)
An event that could happen
An event that does not happen
An event that has happened
An event that never happened
An event that will happen
An event that occurred in an unusual imagination
A temporary event
An event that was hoped to happen
An event that was not wished to happen, uncertain if it actually happened
An event that one can be sure happened
An event that must not happen
An event that should happen
An event that might happen
An event that is happening
An event that does not happen
An event that has not happened
An event that could happen
An event that might not happen
An event that cannot happen
An event slightly anticipated
An event feared to happen
An event that must happen
An event that must not happen
An event that seems likely to happen
An event that seems unlikely to happen
An event with a high probability of happening
An event with a low likelihood of happening
An event one wants to happen
An event one does not want to happen
An event that could happen but does not
An event that cannot happen but does
An event expected not to happen
An event expected to happen
An event hoped not to happen
An event hoped to happen
An event one wishes had not happened
An event one wishes would happen
An event that is good if it does not happen
An event that is good if it happens
An event that would be favourable if it happens
An event that would be favourable if it does not happen
An event that must happen
An event that must not happen
An event that has a possibility of not happening
An event that has a possibility of happening
An event with a high likelihood of not happening
An event with a high likelihood of happening
An event with a low likelihood of not happening
An event with a low likelihood of happening
An event that commonly happens
An event that rarely happens
An event that is predictable
An event that is unpredictable
An event that is ordinary
An event that is extraordinary
An event that must not happen
An event that must happen
An event one wishes had not happened
An event one wishes had happened
An event that ideally does not happen
An event that ideally happens
An event that realistically does not happen
An event that realistically happens
An event that is impossible
An event that is possible
An event that happens as a future imagined event
An event that happens in a past memory
An event that only happens in fiction somewhere
An event that is destined
An event that is inevitably bound to happen
An event that is inevitably bound not to happen
An event that is unfortunate if it does not happen
An event that is unfortunate if it happens
An event that is a stroke of luck if it happens
An event that is a stroke of luck if it does not happen
An event that feels miraculous if it happens
An event that feels miraculous if it does not happen
An event that is unpredictable if it happens
An event that is absolutely unpredictable if it does not happen
An event that can be predicted if it happens
An event that can be predicted if it does not happen
An event that is scientifically possible if it happens
An event that is scientifically possible if it does not happen
An event that is unavoidable if it happens
An event that is unavoidable if it does not happen
An event that is reasonable if it happens
An event that is reasonable if it does not happen
An event that is unreasonable if it happens
An event that is unreasonable if it does not happen
An event that is special if it happens
An event that is special if it does not happen
An event that is ordinary if it happens
An event that is ordinary if it does not happen
An event that is unexpected if it happens
An event that is unexpected if it does not happen
An event that is anticipated if it happens
An event that is anticipated if it does not happen
An event that is planned if it happens
An event that is planned if it does not happen
An event that is unforeseen if it happens
An event that is unforeseen if it does not happen
An event that is unique if it happens
An event that is unique if it does not happen
An event that feels surprising if it happens
An event that feels surprising if it does not happen
An event that is hopeful if it happens
An event that is hopeful if it does not happen
An event that one can hardly believe has happened