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징조 (Omen) (2023)

머리와 신체가 절단되었다가 엇갈린 모양으로, 하얀 실로 다시 꿰매어진 두 개의 실리콘 뱀 모형, 머리의 위치에 접합된 알루미늄 주물 종

<Omen>, Two silicone snake models with severed heads and bodies, staggered and stitched back together with white thread, and an aluminum cast bell cemented in place of the head

2. _징조_, 실리콘, 실, 알루미늄, 150 x 50cm, 2023.JPG
Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 22.32.50.jpg

Studio Kwanwoo Park  ©  2024, all right reserved

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